Tech Stocks:
-> "NVDA is in its Optimal Buying Range" (Avg Monthly Gain of 13% in this range)
-> "MSFT is Hott [+2.3%]"
-> "AMZN is Hott [+3.7%]"
-> "FB is Hott [+3.5%]"
-> "ADBE is Hot [+2.8%]"
-> "TSLA is Hot"
-> "AMD is Hot"
(This information was calculated at midnight on 1.21.21 from closing prices on 1.20.21. This tells me that the Tech run could very easily continue. Seems sort of ridiculous but after the election a similar result appeared in the algo and QQQ ran a ton for quite some time. Nothing is a guarantee in the market but this is a positive indication.)
-> "MA is Cold [+0.48%]"
-> "SOXX is Cold"
-> "GOOGL is in its Optimal Sell Range” (-1.3%)"
(MA, SOXX and GOOGL are not bearish, they are just getting overbought)
Finance Stocks:
[1] "BAC is in its Optimal Buying Range" (Watch over $33.25/$33.50)
[1] "GS is in its Optimal Buying Range" (Watch over $300)
[1] "EQR is in its Optimal Buying Range" (Over $63.55)
[1] "V is in its Optimal Buying Range" (Over $211)
[1] "XLF is Hot"
[1] "JPM is Hot"
(Seems like a pretty bullish indication for Finance. Not extremely, but definitely bullish. Will be on the watch for bounce and breakout plays. Maybe some money will flow into finance. Who knows. This is not an all in one indicator, but it does help identify trends that can be extensive. If finance starts flying, it can probably continue.)
[1] "COF is Cold"
[1] "AXP is Cold"
[1] "MS is in its Optimal Selling Range"
2021-01-20 383.89
[1] "Breakouts"
SPY set a 200 Day High Today
[1] "Trends:"
SPY Price is in a One Month Uptrend
SPY Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
SPY Price is in a 100 Day Uptrend
SPY Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
(Needs to hold $383 to stay very bullish. Over $385.5 can see $387-$388. Under $382.85 can see $381.85.)
2021-01-20 323.77
[1] "Breakouts"
QQQ set a 200 Day High Today
[1] "Trends:"
QQQ Price is in a Two Week Uptrend
QQQ Price is in a One Month Uptrend
QQQ Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
QQQ Price is in a 100 Day Uptrend
QQQ Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
(Needs to hold $323.39 in order to stay very bullish. Over $326 can see $327/$328. Max PT for 1.21.2021 near $328-$329. Could melt up to $330 but who knows.)
2021-01-20 131.64
[1] "Breakouts"
XLK set a 200 Day High Today
[1] "Trends:"
XLK Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
XLK Price is in a 100 Day Uptrend
XLK Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
2021-01-20 224.34
[1] "Breakouts"
MSFT set a 10 Day High Today
[1] "Trends:"
MSFT Price is in a One Month Downtrend
MSFT Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
MSFT Price is in a 100 Day Uptrend
MSFT Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
[1] "Volume Analysis:"
MSFT Volume was 35.59833 % Above its 10 Day Average Volume
MSFT Volume was 38.52244 % Above its 20 Day Average Volume
2021-01-20 469.73
[1] "Breakouts"
[1] "Trends:"
ADBE Price is in a Two Week Downtrend
ADBE Price is in a One Month Downtrend
ADBE Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
ADBE Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
[1] "Volume Analysis:"
ADBE Volume was 49.69378 % Above its 20 Day Average Volume
2021-01-20 534.63
[1] "Breakouts"
[1] "Trends:"
NVDA Price is in a One Month Uptrend
NVDA Price is in a Three Month Downtrend
NVDA Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
[1] "Volume Analysis:"
2021-01-20 88.75
[1] "Breakouts"
[1] "Trends:"
AMD Price is in a One Week Downtrend
AMD Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
AMD Price is in a 100 Day Uptrend
AMD Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
[1] "Volume Analysis:"
2021-01-20 132.03
[1] "Breakouts"
AAPL set a 5 Day High Today
[1] "Trends:"
AAPL Price is in a One Month Downtrend
AAPL Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
AAPL Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
[1] "Volume Analysis:"
2021-01-20 3263.38
[1] "Breakouts"
AMZN set a 10 Day High Today
[1] "Trends:"
AMZN Price is in a One Month Downtrend
AMZN Price is in a Three Month Uptrend
[1] "Volume Analysis:"
AMZN Volume was 43.7884 % Above its 10 Day Average Volume
AMZN Volume was 43.73909 % Above its 20 Day Average Volume
2021-01-20 1880.07
[1] "Breakouts"
GOOGL set a 200 Day High Today
[1] "Trends:"
GOOGL Price is in a Two Week Uptrend
GOOGL Price is in a One Month Uptrend
GOOGL Price is in a 100 Day Uptrend
GOOGL Price is in a 200 Day Uptrend
[1] "Volume Analysis:"
GOOGL Volume was 76.98314 % Above its 10 Day Average Volume
GOOGL Volume was 93.14714 % Above its 20 Day Average Volume